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Fed Policy: Why Do Rates Hikes Hurt Stock Markets?
Fed Policy: Why Do Rates Hikes Hurt Stock Markets? On December 18th, the Federal Reserve announced a rate hike of...
Bitcoin: Have Cryptocurrencies Become Legitimate Market Assets?
Bitcoin: Have Cryptocurrencies Become Legitimate Market Assets? In the last few years, one of the biggest stories to hit the...
Consumer Economics: What is the Market Absorption Rate?
Consumer Economics: What is the Market Absorption Rate? In school, some students avoid economics because they might feel as though...
What is Opportunity Cost?
Opportunity cost sounds like a dry topic, but it is a concept that can be applied to many aspects of...
Top Five Analyses to Evaluate Cash Flow
Five Cash Flow Analysis Tools This post continues a discussion about cash flow, net present value, interest rates and NPV,...
Dilution and Earnings Per Share: Financial Terms and Explanations
Continuing a discussion on the introductory article on financial terms and explanations, this article discussion common share dilution. Firstly, some...
Financial Statements – Terms and Explanations
Definitions on Income Statements Here is a brief synopsis of key financial terms for introductory finance majors and business folks...
Internal Rate of Return, Cash Flow, and NPV
Calculating and Interpreting Internal Rate of Return (IRR) This post continues a discussion about cash flow, net present value, and...