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Global Economics: The Expansive Effects of a Strong U.S. Dollar
The Federal Reserve was established in 1913 to function as of the central bank of the United States and the...
Foundations of Economics: The Law of Scarcity
Foundations of Economics: The Law of Scarcity Most of the basic laws of economics focus on ways to efficiently build...
Bitcoin: Have Cryptocurrencies Become Legitimate Market Assets?
Bitcoin: Have Cryptocurrencies Become Legitimate Market Assets? In the last few years, one of the biggest stories to hit the...
Global Economics: What is a Trade War?
In all of the recent news dealing with US President Donald Trump and the world economy, the term “trade war”...
Commodities Economics: What Is Peak Oil?
With all of the recent discussions surrounding the possibility of electric cars, many economics investors have already started to move...
What have economists learned from 2008? nothing much
A 25 page paper from Paul Krugman (draft of his lecture for the Picciotto Prize): What Have We Learned From The...
Brexit on the Docket for the UK
An In/Out Referendum takes place Thursday in Britain as voters head to the polls to decide whether or not to...
Greece Economic Instability? Let’s Talk About China Instead
The real problem facing the global economy isn’t little Greece and their fits surrounding debt. It’s China, the world’s second...