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Ten Ways to Save Money in a Recession
The credit crunch in 2008 hit consumers and businesses alike hard. We can’t really say we weren’t expecting some form...
Life Insurance – Your Personal Finances and Human Capital
A young married client had done some mental math and decided that the total of his life insurance premiums if...
Top Ten Decisions for Your Personal Finances in 2011
Well here we are in 2011 already. December and the Christmas season whizzed by, but along came the credit card...
Canadians Refuse to Save for the Future
Young Canadians are notorious for being incapable of thinking long term with their financial strategies. Fun is the name of...
Canadian Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA) Right for Retirement Investment?
Canadians are now capable of using a tax-free savings account thanks to their Conservative government. The investment device permits up...
Pension Scam – Conversation
Great dialogue about pensions and the sweet spot to invest. Moved from the forum by Mr. English: Hi all, I’d...
Canadian University Tuition Still Miles Cheaper than US
Canadian tuition costs pale in comparison to their US counterparts, however, American student have more options. With the tuitions increasing,...
Wanted: Willing Taxpayers – Tax Season is Here
Here is a personal story on everyone’s second favorite time of year. Tax time! 2008 was the first year my...